Monday, December 13, 2010


1. NARAL Pro-Choice America: In this organization, they argue that women should have the opportunity to choose abortion. The site states the problem which is that anti-choice groups want to outlaw abortion and will stop at nothing. They  have many violent tactics that they will go through in an effort to get rid of abortion. The proposed solution of this organization is to keep abortion both safe and legal. While their opinion on abortion is clearly stated, the organization also makes an effort to explain different aspects to abortion. For example, they go through bans on abortion after 12 weeks in addition to "Crisis Pregnancy Centers."   They give the facts to different parts of the controversy, but then also state "The Challenge" and "The Solution." This allows people to understand the many diverse aspects; it is easy to understand because everything is split up. One of the sections that I found particularly moving was that of the violence that occurs. Dr. George Tiller was murdered outside of his house because he provided abortions. In addition to doctors, other people are at risk for going through abortion including patients and their families. They face threats, murder, arson, stalking, etc. They propose to make sure that the laws are enforced that provide safety. National Right to Life: On this website, the organization instantly gives the medical facts. There are many different techniques that come with abortions during the first, and second  & third trimesters. As the time goes along, the health risks increase. One of the techniques that struck me is the instillation methods-- Hysterotomy. The method horrified me because not only is the greatest risk to the mother, but also because there are many incisions that are used. The website goes through many different aspects to abortion, but primarily the idea of the safety of abortion. They state that abortion is not safer than giving birth. Just as many other pro-life organizations, this one argues that life begins way before the actual baby is born.  The organization believes that there is no reason why any woman should have to go through any surgery of any kind especially induced abortion and not even be informed about the potential health risks. Overall, I believe that pro-choice has a better argument because their research is more evident with all different sides to the argument. They include everything from a legal standpoint to the importance of abortion and the benefits.  Some of the comments on the pro-life website are extremely misleading and even unnecessary such as "If the baby's life is not interrupted, he or she will someday become an adult man or woman. "Although I have always been a supporter of pro-choice, these websites helped me stick to my beliefs even further.

2. I think that a parent should not have the right to know if their daughter is having an abortion depending on the circumstance. If a girl is living in a comfortable atmosphere, where she feels safe, then she will willingly tell her parents that she is having an abortion. There would be no problem with her telling her parents because she would want to tell them. They could be there to assist her. However, the girl may be in a dangerous living situation where her parents are abusive; If she must her tell her parents that she is having an abortion, she may end up being in a terrible situation. Therefore, while I believe that girls should tell their parents, they might not be in the right situation to do so. It is ultimately up to them to decide. I believe that even by the age of 16, girls know what their morals are and will make the best decisions for themselves. They do need to to have their parents to consent to it because it is their choice, their health, and ultimately their life.

3. There should not be a requirement that the father is notified of a woman's decision to have an abortion. Like I mentioned above, if a woman makes the decision to have an abortion, she also has the right to decide who she would like to tell. If she wants to tell the father, who may be her husband or boyfriend, then she should and can. If the father was a loving and understanding person, he would understand the choice she is making. He would be there to support and it is evident that the woman would know that. However, what if the father raped her? Then, the mother should not have to tell the father; she had no choice to be raped. Why does the father have the right to know that she went through an abortion.  In the right situation, a woman will tell the father of her decision to have an abortion and this ultimately up to her.

4.  It is upsetting to me that 92 percent of Illinois counties have no abortion provider. I feel that we should have more because woman have the right to choose abortion if it is right to them. Woman should not feel like they have to go through with having a child if they are in a bad position.  One of the Illinois laws that I disagree with would be the counseling ban/ gag rule. This states that Illinois prohibits certain state employees and organizations receiving state funds from counseling or referring women for abortion services. While it is a woman's decision, the state should do everything to help support her when she does make this decision. The state helps fund other surgeries. Why is abortion any different? While everyone may not be pro-choice, the woman has the right to aid when she needs it.  Another law that I disagree with would be the Other Anti-Choice Law which states Illinois law includes a strongly anti-choice policy statement. While they are not telling them what to do, they are swaying people to a certain standpoint. This is not right because woman should receive fair and equal information about everything.