Monday, May 9, 2011

Marketplace of Ideas-- day 7

Today in class, I finished my bibliography. I also went through my powerpoint and presentation. I plan on working on my presentation more today and tomorrow as my presentation is on Wed.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Marketplace of Ideas--day 6

Instead of making a tri-fold poster, I decided to make a PowerPoint. Yesterday when I was researching, I came a cross a short trailer that captures the essence of the documentary film, Bullied. It is a very powerful and moving message and I feel that it can stimulate a good conversation of the topic. I plan to show this video in addition to bullying statistics, effects of bullying, and anti-bullying efforts through a power point. At the marketplace of ideas, there will also be the petition that Michelle and I made. The petition says "I will pledge to... Be aware of my action and how they will affect other people. Understand that bullying is a serious and relvant issue and the only way to stop it is by being informed and educated about the issue. Prevent bullying by treating others thet way I want to be treated and by standing up for people who are being bullied by others.  Today in class, I started to get signatures and worked on my PowerPoint. I also hung up some of the fliers for the publicity campaign.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Marketplace of Ideas-- day 5

Today in class, I made the campaign flier  for the publicity campaign. It has to be approved and then Michelle and I will hang all the signs throughout the school. I also started to plan my idea to present the information at the Marketplace of Ideas. I am going to use a tri-fold poster in order to display the most significant information about bullying. In addition, Michelle and I are are going to start making a petition so that people will start recognizing the issue of bullying.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Marketplace of Ideas- day 4

Today, I continued my research and found very interesting graphs, tables, and statistics. In addition, I found a case study about Phoebe Prince which I had heard of before. After finishing up my last source for the day, I felt like I had a good understanding of bullying. While there are so many different aspects to bullying, I found the information that was most important and meaningful to me. Furthermore, I plan to start my abstract tomorrow. If I start writing and feel like I am missing something to my research, I will look for my sources to add.

Bullying-- source #10

I thought it would be important for my research to include several different statistics in order to get a feel of how many people are actually victims of bullying.
  • 1/3 teens reported being bullied while at school
  •  20 percent of teens had been made fun of by a bully
  • 18 percent of teens had rumors or gossip spread about them
  • 11 percent were physically bullied, such as being shoved, tripped, or spit on, 6 percent were threatened
  • 5 percent were excluded from activities they wanted to participate in, 4 percent were coerced into something they did not want to do, and 4 percent had their personal belongings destroyed by bullies
  • 8 percent of teens in this study reported being the victims of cyber bullying
  • Most bullying occurred inside the school, with smaller numbers of bullying incidents occurring outside on the school grounds, on the school bus, or on the way to school
  • Only about a third of bully victims reported the bullying to someone at school
  • About 2 of every 3 bully victims were bullied once or twice during the school year, 1 in 5 were bullied once or twice a month, and about 1 in 10 were bullied daily or several times a week

Bullying-- source #9

I'm sure we all remember the phrase, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." While it made sense at the first time we learned about it, it has become especially clear how this idea is not true. In this audio, Scott Meech, a computer and technology teacher at Plano Middle School, talks about the rise of cyber-bullying which has been used to bully others. It has become so prevalent in all of America and he asserts that this form of bullying is worse than physical bullying. His explanation is simple.  This form of harassment is worse because the victim is seen by larger audience and are long term. Embarrassing pictures or videos are spread through the school quickly and for people who receive them, they can look at the media as often as they like.  Victims of cyber-bullying have no way to hide from it because it spreads through all of technology which is how teens communicate. There is no refuge from harassment. The long-term impact of this type of bullying is greater than traditional, physical bullying.  In addition to pictures and videos being spread to a large audience in a matter of seconds, the largest long-term effect is the loss of a the home as an escape to bullying. When a person is physically bullied, they know they can go home and the bullying will be done. However, with cyber-bullying it enters into the home and is always with the victim. As USA Today reporter Greg Toppo writes, "Vulnerable children have virtually no refuge from harassment. It's a non-stop type of harassment and it creates a sense of helplessness." Bullies use this to traumatize their victims even more. An important concept to understand is that technology cannot be taken away from kids to avoid bullying. It is a part of their everyday life from school work and research to listening to music. While people may blame social networking sites for the problem, it has to be recognized that the technology is harmless but it is the manner in which students are using it which is such a problem.

Bullying-- source #8

Although bullying has existed for such a long period of time, the results of bullying used to be limited to name-calling and teasing and little fights. However, in the past few years, school bullying has become more prevalent and an issue to be concerned about. Bullied students, instead of standing up for themselves or seeking help, they have turned to violence as a solution. Violence involving suicide or through deadly crimes against their peers.Because of the high-profile cases, children, educators, and law enforcement authorities have become more involved with bullying. They are learning more about the terrible short and long term effects of bullying. Up until researching in the past few days about bullying, I assumed that all victims of bullying were of the same nature. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, victims can range from students who are not in a well-known social group at school to students who suffer from health or learning disabilities. Furthermore, bullying can begin due to relationship conflict such as jealousy. For instance, Phoebe Prince became the victim of bullying at her new high school ins Massachusetts after moving to the U.S. from Ireland in 2009. Initially, she seemed to be adjusting quite well as she had dated two different boys from her new school. However, this in turn, resulted in other girls bullying her. In addition to one girl who had previously dated one of the boys, her female friends also gained up against Phoebe. Although the school administrators suspended at least one girl for the bullying against her, they did very little to stop it. They did not check in with her or make a big effort to make sure she was okay. In 2010, Phoebe could not stand any more of the suffering and therefore, committed suicide by hanging herself. This is such a tragic story not just because she was so young and a had a great life in front of her, but rather because such a tragedy could have been avoided. If school administrators would have spent more time with Phoebe, even if it was once every week, she would have felt like she had a support system. She lacked people to confide in and felt that the only way the threats and harassment would end was by ending her life.