Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"The Help" final entry

The opportunity to read "The Help" for class was extremely rewarding for me. Despite my homework load, I was able to find time to read this novel. It was time that I looked forward to because I was immediately drawn in to the novel.  I enjoyed taking the time to enjoy the prose while also understanding the content. I was expecting this novel to take me at least a few months to finish. However, I finished "The Help" in less than a month because I could not put the book down. It was extremely intriguing, moving, exciting, and upsetting to read. From the novel, in addition to learning many lessons about life in general,  I was able to understand how difficult life was for these maids at this time. They went through terrible situations everyday. Yet, they still had to  keep their heads high and treat the women with respect. I have no experience that could even compare to what these women went through. However, I was able to share in many of the same emotions that the characters felt. The novel taught me to recognize that there are more similarities in people than differences. While Aibileen and Miss Skeeter may seem different from one another, they are able to connect on many levels.  They can look past skin color; they recognize how much they have in common. I feel that the purpose of "The Help" was for everyone to realize that we are just two people. There is not a lot that separates us. I had originally assumed that there are so many differences between myself and my peers. However,  I can now see by looking just a little more closely, how similar we are. The novel helped illuminate the idea that we are all connected in some way. We should recognize this bond instead of emphasizing a difference.

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